The rule of law becomes a laughing stock
Is our german rule of law still functioning? One could seriously doubt it! If one thinks, for example, of the timid or unsuccessful deportation efforts of rejected asylum seekers, one thinks one is in a banana republic rather than a constitutional state.
Do you still have great confidence in our rule of law? Germany does not even succeed in deporting potential terrorists and foreign serious criminals. Hundreds of thousands of rejected asylum seekers repeatedly make Germany the laughing stock of the world's public opinion, because they can dance on the nose of our judiciary with the simplest of means.
Often it is sufficient to disappear for a few days just before the expiry of the deportation period or to simulate an illness. Or you can temporarily use the church asylum. Once the three-month window of time has elapsed, the authorities are powerless. In that case, asylum seekers must not even be sent back to their country of origin. Then many of them will have the right to be lavishly provided for and endured by the German welfare state during their lifetime, along with their extended family. This is particularly beneficial for refugees who come to us with severely disabled family members.
This perversion of
our legal system is made possible by the lax, ultraliberal (naive)
interpretation of our Basic Law. The Basic Law has been changed
several dozen times in the last 70 years, but it seems to me that
most of the time to its disadvantage.
Citizens' rights were supposedly strengthened, humanism
constantly expanded and people living in the welfare state (including
immigrants) were granted a "subsistence level" that normal households
abroad do not even dare to dream of.
Our welfare state now has a permanent duty to ensure that the constitutional judges (who are allowed to interpret the Basic Law) are not interested in the financial possibilities. This has now reached the point where working families in Germany are often worse off than comparable Hartz IV families. I openly admit that I regard this development as perverse. After all, it is only seemingly social, humane and citizen-friendly.In truth, it turns all the rules of decency and reason upside down! The money for the lavish social welfare must come from somewhere. In the end, it is the case that low and normal earners are cured of wage taxes and social security contributions up to the pain threshold in order to be able to pay and fulfil the supposedly social election promises.
where you look - not even the minimum wage law is
Our politicians have designed the laws in such a way that
corporations can carry out wage dumping to their hearts' content. It
is generally known, for example, that courier drivers of parcel
services often (if not mostly) earn considerably less than the legal
minimum wage provides for it and that they are forced to go on tours
that they can never manage during normal working hours. But through
the interlaced subcontracting (when will this inhuman system finally
be banned) behind which corporations can hide, the door is open to
In this respect, we have long since had a two-class legal system in Germany. There are once hardened petty and serious criminals, illegal immigrants, terrorists, etc. from abroad, who are hard to cope with, and who pervert our liberal legal system with relish - and on the other hand just the locals, who have to pay their own legal costs themselves and, for this reason alone, can hardly take an excessively long legal route as a rule (and who are also not protected by the numerous human rights organisations and churches).
Manfred J. Müller,
Manfred Julius Müller analysiert seit über 30 Jahren weltwirtschaftliche Abläufe. Er ist Autor verschiedener Bücher zu den Themenkomplexen Globalisierung, Kapitalismus und Politik.
wirtschaftlichen Konsequenzen muss Deutschland aus der
Coronakrise ziehen? Nun
beginnt der zähe Kampf gegen Vorurteile, Irrlehren,
Schönfärbereien und verschleppte Reformen. Ein
"Weiter-So!" kann und darf es nach Corona nicht geben. Denn
wenn sich grundlegend nichts ändert, droht ein Kollaps
der Weltwirtschaft. Dann werden im- und exportabhängige
Staaten zu drastischen Maßnahmen greifen müssen
(Währungsreformen, Hyperinflationen,
Vermögensabgaben, Steueranhebungen, höhere
Sozialversicherungsbeiträge, Kürzungen der Renten,
Sozialhilfen usw.). Überrumpelung
und Propaganda statt repräsentative Demokratie?
Wandlung Deutschlands nach der Corona-Krise"
wirklich systemrelevanten Entscheidungen (Abschaffung der
DM, schleichende Umwandlung Deutschlands zum
Vielvölkerstaat, seit 10 Jahren manipulierte
Nullzinspolitik, EU-Schulden-Transferunion, Verzicht auf
funktionsfähige Staatsgrenzen usw.) wurden ohne
Wählerauftrag getroffen! Eine allmähliche
Akzeptanz des von oben verordneten Wandels entwickelte sich
erst im Nachhinein über eine permanente
Propaganda (Umerziehung). Was hat eine solche Praxis, ein
solches Vorgehen noch mit einer repräsentativen
Demokratie gemein? Wie machtlos ist der einzelne
Bürger, wenn selbst Wahlen zur Farce werden?
jetzt die verlogene, konzernfreundliche Welt des
Gesinnungsjournalismus? Endet nun auch die Tyrannei naiver
Wie Unaufrichtigkeit, geschönte Wirtschaftsdaten
und hartnäckige Vorurteile in der Vergangenheit zu
verhängnisvollen Fehlentwicklungen führten, die
bei der anstehenden Neuordnung korrigiert werden
Julius Müller, 172 Seiten, Format 17x22
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